“The interviews, they said, seemed to be more about helping Wells Fargo record its diversity efforts on paper — partly in anticipation of possible regulatory audits — rather than hiring more women or people of color.”


“technical interviews currently used in hiring for many software engineering positions test whether a job candidate has performance anxiety rather than whether the candidate is competent at coding. The interviews may also be used to exclude groups or favor specific job candidates.”

“For example, in our study, all of the women who took the public interview failed, while all of the women who took the private interview passed. “ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200714101228.htm

“Results of a multiple regression, controlling for interviewing experience and sex, showed that narcissism and sadism explained the likelihood of using brainteasers in an interview. “


“After drawing on data from thousands of technical interviews, it’s become clear to us that technical interviewing is a process whose results are nondeterministic and often arbitrary. We believe that technical interviewing is a broken process for everyone but that the flaws within the system hit underrepresented groups the hardest”


“Yet appearances can be deceiving: in addition to harming diversity in the field, technical interviews promote a culture of disciplinary obedience for technical employees”


“in our study, all of the women who took the public interview failed, while all of the women who took the private interview passed”

“The technical interview process gives people with industry connections an advantage… “ https://news.ncsu.edu/2020/07/tech-job-interviews-anxiety/

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