“A few years ago I took a class on the most influential modern economists. It was at an Ivy League institution in the US and dozens of old, white men and their theories made the syllabus. Claudia Goldin was the only woman. On the slide accompanying the lecture in which she was featured, her name was misspelled.”


“From the so-called male geek trope that dominates Global North/Western perceptions of technology to the actively anti-feminist stances such demographics espouse: programming has a sexism problem….

Humans learn and continue to learn, and we can also choose to forget. We can collectively decide to leave behind toxic framings that critical windows exist for learning to code, or that only certain types of people can learn such a skill” https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/3r2ez/

“Math teachers who believe women no longer face discrimination tend to be biased against girls’ ability in math.”

“for teachers who believed that U.S. society had achieved gender equality, they tended to rate a student’s ability higher when they saw a male student name than when they saw a female student name for the same student work.” https://theconversation.com/math-teachers-hold-a-bias-against-girls-when-the-teachers-think-gender-equality-has-been-achieved-202921

“Subfield Prestige and Gender Inequality among U.S. Computing Faculty: we find that gender diversity varies substantially across subfields, even as overall gender diversity also remains low (16.7%, see Table), and is increasing at only about 0.2% per year.”


“Where we have a pay transparency, we tend to see more equal salaries,” Zaber says of other research on salary disparities. “So it’s possible that these [data] represent a best-case scenario.”


“anonymous comments academics receive in student evaluations… the highest volume, most derogatory, and most threatening abuse is directed towards women academics and those academics from marginalized groups”


“We show that qualitative analysis can reveal gender bias that is invisible in quantitative analysis. We find that female identified staff are evaluated more positively than their male counterparts for undertaking intensive, stereotypically feminine, emotional labour.”


“At the end of the semester, the students scored the male TA higher on course evaluations, while the female TA got five times as many negative reviews. There’s just one problem: They were the same person.”


“Research over several decades has indicated that teachers provide an uneven distribution of time to male students — asking more questions, providing more feedback to them and allowing more interruptions or talking out of turn from them.”


“Our work indicates that teachers are holding girls and boys of different racial and ethnic groups to different behavioral standards,” said Zimmermann, lead author.


“Studies suggest that student evaluations of teaching are unreliable due to various kinds of biases against instructors… [a] meta-analysis of all multisection studies revealed no significant correlations between [evaluation] ratings and learning”


“Brilliant: That would be men, by a long shot. In every discipline students are more likely to call a male professor brilliant than a female one, with the biggest gap in English.”


“Researchers found that students who read the bias reminder rated their female professors 10% higher than students in the same class who did not read the bias reminder.”


“I don’t think about bias on a daily basis, but it influences how I teach. I’ve cultivated a teaching persona to project a certain confidence so students don’t question my credibility,” Biederman said.”


“Behaviors indicative of friendliness toward students elevated SRIs [students’ ratings of instruction] for female instructors but not for male instructors. In addition, subjects rated the male professors as more effective than female professors.”


“But it was an entirely different story for women in male-dominated fields. In these areas, 31.4 percent of male instructors’ ratings were perfect tens, but only 19.5 percent of female instructors’ ratings were tens.”

“In fact, for men in male-dominated fields, a ten was the most common rating. Women’s most common rating was an eight.” https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/gender-bias-performance-reviews-ratings-scale

“For instance, graded assignments were returned simultaneously in all four sections, but students reported that the perceived female instructor was less prompt in returning assignments.”


“we find that women receive systematically lower teaching evaluations than their male colleagues. This bias is driven by male students’ evaluations, is larger for mathematical courses and particularly pronounced for junior women”


“In other words, even if women do get hired at big tech companies, there’s a serious risk they will feel so unwelcome that they will not want to stay. “


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