“In the pictures of previous meetings, I did not see any shortage of chairs. But then again, I did not see any woman in these pictures, either.” “So, I have to conclude, it happened because I am a woman,” she said.


“The ‘biggest myth’ about working in the tech industry is that it’s based on a meritocracy.”

“She recalled being excluded from board discussions and said she had a colleague refuse to report to her. She also said she later swapped stories with other Asian CEOs, who felt “pushed out” of board activities.” https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/04/21/ellen-pao-meritocracy-in-the-tech-industry-is-a-myth/

“Studying the physical world requires confronting the social world⁠,” Prescod-Weinstein writes. “It means changing institutionalized science, so that our presence is natural and our cultures are respected.”⁠

“It also means confronting the privileged stories of science” https://undark.org/2021/04/16/book-review-disordered-cosmos/

“Some 50% of Americans live in “child care deserts” where there are either no licensed child care providers, or there are three times as many children as child care slots, according to the Center for America Progress.”


“But women’s experience of first having their credentials ignored and then being mocked if they assert them is all too familiar, in almost every arena.”


“You can call me by my name. Or better yet, just talk to me like a human and leave out all of the [pet] names.” Doing so sends a signal to women that they do indeed belong, fostering the culture of workplace equality that Justice Ginsburg fought for”


“I shouldn’t have to remind anyone to respect me, to respond to my concerns in a timely manner, to investigate my complaints about racism and sexism, and to step in when systemic racism is at play.”

“I push again that stereotype to say that I am not an angry Black woman but am a Black woman who asks questions that make people angry. There is a difference.” https://drmonicacox.medium.com/stop-playing-diversity-games-with-people-of-color-659dc995a4bf

“I’m interrupted, like, three times and then I try to speak again and then two other people are speaking at the same time interrupting each other,” said Mallick, head of diversity and inclusion at the consumer goods company Unilever.


“Female speakers were addressed less often by their professional title… Female speakers were more likely to be introduced by first name only.. Male introducers were more likely to address female speakers by first name only”


“The reality is, I have walked through life in a body where I’ve learned that if I do not assert myself, I will be walked over. I will not be treated with any respect if I don’t command it.”


“a friend remarked that “Dr. Biden” would also be in attendance. I thought to myself, ‘Oh, I didn’t know Joe Biden had a Ph.D.,’” she said. “And of course it was his wife, who I had met, and who I knew had a Ph.D. So even I do it, Dr. Tannen.”


“One of the reasons I present at conferences is so women in software can see that they are not alone. And that we can be respected. And for them to witness ways to share and gain credibility.”


“But Rubin, who was born in 1928, struggled throughout her career to convince others to treat her based on the merits of her work, rather than on her sex. When she did make traction in the community, she worked to share that acceptance with others.”


“We discovered that women introduced speakers by formal titles 96.2% of the time. When the introducer was a male addressing a female speaker, the use of titles went down to 49.2% of the time.”


“What do you think, doc?” a patient winked at a man. “Does she know her stuff?” “She’s my boss,” my resident stammered.


“The gender bias was consistent throughout the studies, including one experiment in which participants writing about fictional scientists were more likely to refer to the male scientist by last name only.”


“But while colleagues and bosses seem to understand when a man says no — he must be busy! — additional research has found that if a woman declines small requests at work she is more likely to get worse performance evaluations “


“They are told that they are “too young and too pretty” to be handling complex issues and instructed to take notes during meetings – even if they are the most senior in the room – because it is assumed they are in subordinate positions.”


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