“it felt like she was being asked to go above and beyond what her male colleagues were asked to do. They’d come in making more money than her — and they were fully remote. She was achieving expectations while commuting three to four hours a day”

“This environment of secrecy produces an unwritten hierarchy…For the ‘haves,’ the hierarchy of disclosure is a way to exert influence and demonstrate power beyond one’s role or title. For ‘have-nots,’ it’s a subtle but constant reminder of your rank” https://www.theverge.com/22700898/apple-company-culture-change-secrecy-employee-unrest

“This separation or segregation of women’s writing should be understood as part of the patriarchal control of what and who matters – and, historically, women have not.”


“At an employee dinner, women were told to rank the attractiveness of the men at the table. During a team-building exercise, a woman was pressured to straddle her male co-worker in front of colleagues.”

“If you complain, people will think you’re the one with the problem.” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/01/technology/china-alibaba-rape-metoo.html

“I would have liked to see an admission of the fact that it was blatantly toxic and misogynistic. Saying that it was poorly-worded assumes that there is a better way to state something. “

“On seeing the commotion and backlash, EC-Council responded by deleting and blocking those speaking out against them – but, from what I’ve personally seen and have heard from others, they only blocked women.” https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/blogs/the-story-of-the-eccouncil-gender/

“I wanted to know whether female authors were not just deemed less authoritative than men, but whether they were being read by men… the results confirmed my suspicion that men were disproportionately unlikely even to open a book by a woman”


“We all know about the boys’ club, how they control and shape our global economy – but Katrine argues that we have underestimated how much this situation is depriving us of the innovations that we urgently need.”

“When we exclude women from the history of technology the story that remains is inevitably tied to a will to ‘crush’, ‘dominate’ and ‘win’ at the expense of others. These ideas still shape our economy.” https://www.thebookseller.com/news/william-collins-wins-five-way-fight-mar-als-feminist-economic-expose-1226382

“I’ve been left out of key industry events & social gatherings. I’ve had meetings with external leaders where they primarily addressed the more junior male colleagues. I’ve had my comments frequently interrupted & my ideas ignored until men rephrased them”


“this narrative has been warped, consciously and not, by the men who have dominated film-making for almost a century, ignoring the women who made films, challenged the studio system – and helped bring it down”


“There was so much talk about diversity and inclusion, but so much hypocrisy. I’m one of 1.6% Black women at Google. In [Google] Research, it’s not 1.6%—it’s way lower.”


“There’s so much gender disparity going on right now, if we were to presume that there’s something that biologically predisposes us, then you’d be able to justify that gender disparity,” she says. “To me that’s dangerous, and completely unsubstantiated.”

“When researchers have found signs of this discrepancy in the past, Geller says, “usually they don’t say anything, as if ignoring the evidence will make it go away.” https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/prehistoric-female-hunter-discovery-upends-gender-role-assumptions

“When species have descriptive names, they always describe males. The female Scarlet Tanager wears no scarlet; the female Blue Grosbeak shows hardly a hint of blue”


“We’ve systemically ignored many parts of women’s bodies. There’s so much more research on erectile dysfunction than there is on female sexual pain,” Carmy adds”


“Despite the internet’s ability to amplify the work of social justice activists and educators, there is evidence that some stories and voices are being highlighted, while others are ignored or silenced.”


“the other founder tried to include me in the conversation and the VC asked me, finally addressing me directly, “and who do you work for?” I smiled and replied that this was an event solely for founders and that I am a founder of a cybersecurity company”


“Absent stronger exhortation from within the profession, the norm will continue to be that clinicians are lauded when they stand up to harassment or bias but do not feel obligated—and they are not trained & equipped—to do so”


“Nobody wants to speak if they know that they are going to be ignored, punished or judged just for being true to their experience. The bottom line is that women have been and are still being silenced.”


“And time and time again, I’ll observe my few superior female colleagues, more often being ignored, having to repeat what they say and having to get angry in order to be heard.”


“When Bridges attempted to raise the disparity with her superiors, particularly with Jennifer Berrent, WeWork’s copresident, she was ignored, according to the lawsuit”


“When female staff spoke up, their concerns were ignored or minimized,” she adds, decrying a “misogynistic atmosphere.”


“Female IEEE members say they face significant discrimination in the workplace, including demeaning comments, inappropriate job-interview questions, and exclusion from networking events and important business meetings.”


“Male journalists dominate online political discussion because they mainly interact with other men and ignore women, according to a study of American political reporters.”


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